Photography Tag

Name: Shawn Clarke Year Left: 2012 Subjects: Photography, Moving Image Arts and ICT  Occupation: Sales at Cisco Systems Pathway to Success: Sixth Form - BA Fashion Promotion and Advertising in London at UAL - Ravensbourne, Founding member of Integrated AlumNI, Assistant Office Manager - Lifestyle TV UK/Spain, Operations -...

The Carson Awards are an exciting opportunity for young people to express themselves creatively under the theme ‘What Integrated Education Means to Me’. Nine pupils from Mrs Watson's A Level Photography class applied for the award and won equipment to complete their photography related projects....

Look away if squeamish! The SFX Makeup workshop took place on Tuesday 1st October 2019. Drama, Art, Moving Image Arts and Photography students (years 11-14) were visited by Connie McGrath, a talented special effects artist. She explored the skill of using special effects right before...

On the 28th September 2018 the Year 13 and 14 photography and art students made a trip into Belfast to take some images of the city for their projects. We started off at The MAC art gallery in the Cathedral Quarter, the students explored the...