Eco Team Tag

On Friday 8th November after school the Eco Team surveyed Fair Trade products available in Carrickfergus. The team developed their survey during previous after school sessions. Within their survey the team asked local shopkeepers about fair trade products that they sell, they also asked local cafes...

Every Friday afternoon the Eco Mentors from Ulidia Integrated College Sixth Form visit our neighbouring Acorn Integrated Primary School. The mentors work with the Acorn students to support them with environmentally based projects. This is the third year of this partnership. Last Friday on 18th October...

Congratulations to the Eco Team members who were awarded Young Environmental Leader certificates this June by AES and Ulster Wildlife Trust.  These students worked hard to compile a folder of evidence of their environmental actions for this award. Their actions included researching local wildlife, promoting Fair...

Hannah in Year 8 has been awarded AES Young Environmental Leader of the Year for 2019.  Hannah was nominated by Mrs Patterson because she has worked hard this year to support a local community environmental campaign. She has been proactive in promoting the work of this...

Congratulations to Karl in Year 13 who has joined the Northern Ireland Grassroots Youth Forum. Karl took up his place on Saturday 6th April when he attended a meeting at the Seamus Heaney Home Place in Bellaghy. The Forum works to improve the Grassroots programme...

Members of our whole school Eco Team attended the Northern Ireland Eco Teachers Conference on 21st March in W5. Students attended a series of workshops hosted by Lizzie Daly and Goeff Begley. They had the opportunity to learn more about the issue of plastic waste and...

Ulidia Integrated College is a ‘Fair Trade Aware’ school. On Thursday 15th November some of our Eco Team attended our annual Christmas Fair to promote Fair Trade. Students hosted a gingerbread decorating stall and spoke to visitors from our community about Fair Trade and why it...

The College's Eco Club has met for the final time this year to celebrate the year’s achievements. This year has been another successful year for the group with highlights including: attending and speaking at the Coast Care Awards in Stormont, being awarded for a second...

On Friday 8th June Ulidia Integrated College was visited by Barry Ferguson from Madagascar. Barry coordinates Eco Schools in Madagascar and works with our twinned Eco School in Port Duphine. One of the main languages in Madagascar is French, indeed in Lycee Pole it is the...

Ulidia Integrated College has been working closely for over three years with the Adsum Foundation, this relationship has led to the twinning of our Eco Team with an Eco Team in Port Duphine in Madagascar, and has enhanced both curricular and pastoral aspects of the...