Careers Tag

The purpose of the event was to give pupils a flavour of various careers that people with A’level Mathematics could pursue and thus to encourage Year 10 pupils to consider choosing Further Maths as a GCSE option and Year 12 pupils to consider choosing Mathematics...

Year 10 pupils took part in the Project Business Programme organised by Young Enterprise NI. The workshop enabled every student to get involved and engaged in learning about business. Facilitated by trainer Stephanie Allen, the students learned how to work effectively in teams to make a...

Year 9 pupils took part in 4C UR Future, a live career inspiration and information event held at University of Ulster.  4C UR Future is a series of fun interactive games representing challenges from major NI employment sectors run by trained volunteers from local companies to...

On Tuesday 18th June, all year 10 students started their journey of exploration of careers and took part in a speed networking event. 14 professionals belonging to eight sectors came to the school and offered our pupils the opportunity to ask them questions. It was a...

Thursday 7th March 2019 Ulidia Year 12 students went to visit the Careers Convention in the Leisure Centre, organised by Ulidia, Carrickfergus Grammar and Carrickfergus Academy. Over 60 exhibitors set up a stall in the Amphitheatre Leisure Centre, offering information about options to the Carrickfergus...

On Thursday 15th February, our year 12 students had their annual interview skills day. All students took part and turned up dressed for the occasion. They were wonderful!  In the morning Dervla and Emma from Business In The Community NI delivered an Employability workshop focusing on...

The Modern Languages department were delighted to welcome Michelle and Helen from NICILT - the Northern Ireland Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, to speak to Year 10 on Thursday morning.  They provided us with a wealth of information on the growing importance of...

The Maths Department hosted a careers event on Wednesday 23rd January 2019 to promote various possible careers connected to A Level Mathematics. Careers represented included Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Statistician (Medical Statistics and the government statistical agency NISRA) and  Actuary.  We are grateful to our visitors...