[grve_title title=”Religious Education” heading=”h2″]
Introduction and Ethos of Department

Religion plays an important role on our society and can influence what people think, feel and believe. Through studying Religious Education, students get a broad look at how religion and spirituality form the basis of our culture.


Religious Education (RE) is a compulsory part of the Northern Ireland curriculum, although parents have the right to withdraw their child from part or all of RE or collective worship. Ulidia provides RE in accordance with the core syllabus drawn up by the four main churches and specified by the Department of Education. The Department specified a revised core syllabus in June 2007, which has been phased in from September 2007.


The RE Department at Ulidia Integrated College aims to promote the ethos of the College by educating Catholics, Protestants and those of other religions or none in an atmosphere of understanding and tolerance to the highest academic standards.

The Staff & Positions

Subject Leader – Mrs Bell


At KS3 the four main areas outlined in the RE core syllabus are The Revelation of God, The Christian Church, Morality and World Religions. These areas provide a common core for RE that Ulidia is free to build upon in a way that suits the needs of our pupils and the ethos of the college.


Assessment throughout the year
Within the RE department at KS3 all pupils are assessed five times throughout the year. These tracking assessments help indicate the progress of each pupil throughout the academic year. Alongside these assessments pupils will be monitored and evaluated through effective questioning in class time as well as end of topic quizzes.


According to the school homework policy, one RE homework should be given each week, but must be appropriate to the particular learning situation. This may fall under the category of learning or written work. Consideration must be made of the individual needs of the pupils.

KS4 & 5

Students who choose GCSE RE will study two modules over Year 11 and Year 12. The two areas of study are The Revelation of God and the Christian Church and An Introduction to Philosophy of Religion.


Assessment Throughout the Course
Students will complete two written examinations at the end of Year 12, one for each of the units they study. Each exam lasts 1 hour 30 minutes and is worth 50 percent of the final award.


Students will also be assessed in class throughout the year to monitor their progress within this subject.

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