
Introduction and Ethos of Department

The members of the Modern Language Department aim to provide each individual pupil with a unique learning experience in order to develop their communicative skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing through stimulating, enjoyable interactive activities in French and Spanish.

To assist us in our work we have two modern language rooms which are well equipped with the latest technology; interactive whiteboards, projectors, stand-alone computers, fantastic software, digital voice recorders, high quality listening equipment, individual interactive handsets for electronically recording their assessments and small whiteboards for every pupil. Our lessons are fully designed to engage our learners by matching tasks to their natural ability and preferred learning styles.

Staff & Positions

Subject Leader:
Mrs Redmond

Subject Teachers:
Mrs Kelly

Key Stage 3

Year 8

Pupils currently in Year 8 are given the opportunity to study 2 Modern Languages at Ulidia. 

French and Spanish are both offered to pupils in years 8. Pupils will begin with Spanish using a variety of interactive resources. Topics covered include:

  • Spain
  • Self, family and others
  • Pets
  • Hobbies
  • At School
  • Where I live

In February of year 8, pupils will begin learning French, following the same themes as listed above.   For French, we use Accès Studio because the on-screen pupil book and innovative, interactive activities are the perfect way to introduce our pupils to French. The scheme of assessment will cover all skill areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing and these will be equally balanced across both languages.

Year 9

In year 9 pupils currently study Spanish using a combination of Listos 1 and 2.

This course comprises interactive lessons and many interesting and informative video clips in Spanish which give our pupils an authentic insight into life in Spain. Topics covered include:

  • Self, family and others
  • At school
  • Pastimes
  • Food
  • House and home
  • Grammar
  • Weather
  • Finding the way

Year 10

In year 10 pupils use the well-loved Mira Express course. Topics covered include:

  • Making arrangements to go out
  • TV and Cinema
  • Healthy Living
  • Household Chores
  • Grammar – tenses
  • Shopping
  • In the news

All pupils at KS3 have work booklets to support their learning and access to Fronter and Google Classroom. Where possible we will take advantage of local events and competitions relating to MFL such as the annual European Day of Languages events.


There are 4 assessments throughout the year: October, December, February, and an end-of- year summative assessment in May. 


All pupils follow a homework rota and have two set homeworks over the two-week cycle.  This will consist of one written homework and one learning homework. In addition to this all pupils are encouraged to study their vocabulary on a regular, on-going basis.

Key Stage 4


Year 11 are currently working towards CCEA GCSE Spanish. Year 12 are in their second year of GCSE French. Pupils have 6 lessons of contact time over two weeks. They are entered for full course GCSE French/ Spanish with the Northern Ireland exam board CCEA.

Assessments throughout the course

There are 4 units in GCSE French/ Spanish all of which are externally assessed.  These are all of equal weighting 25% each.  


External exam, 25% of total mark

Range of question types based on pre-recorded spoken material in French/ Spanish

Student may enter either:
– Foundation Tier (C–G)
– Higher Tier (A*–D)


Internal teacher conducted exam, external assessment 25% of total mark

  • 2 Role-plays
  • General conversation – 2 topics
  • Topic 1 pre-released by CCEA
  • Topic 2 chosen by candidate


25% of total mark

External exam based on stimulus material in French/Spanish

Foundation / Higher tier of entry available

Unit 4: Writing

External written exam 25% of total mark variety of short phrase tasks, translation and one structured, extended writing task in French/Spanish

Foundation / Higher tier of entry available

Students must take 40% of the assessment in Year 12.  There is a possibility of completing some units in Year 11.