Sixth Form

Name: Shawn Clarke Year Left: 2012 Subjects: Photography, Moving Image Arts and ICT  Occupation: Sales at Cisco Systems Pathway to Success: Sixth Form - BA Fashion Promotion and Advertising in London at UAL - Ravensbourne, Founding member of Integrated AlumNI, Assistant Office Manager - Lifestyle TV UK/Spain, Operations -...

Name: Francine Whitehurst Year Left: 2007 Subjects: English Literature & Double Performing Arts Occupation: I have recently been appointed Head of Drama at Ulidia Integrated College Pathway to Success: BA Hons and PGCE in Drama from Queen's University Belfast.  Along the way I worked with the Jim Henson Company...

Name: Jenny Ford Year Left: 2004 Subjects: Chemistry, Biology, RE Occupation: Biomedical Scientist currently employed by the Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service as the Quality Control Laboratory Manager Pathway to Success: First Class Honours degree Biomedical Science Ulster University. Master of Science in Biomedical Science with a specialism in...

Ulidia Integrated College Sixth Form - Securing Brighter and Better Futures for All Name: Lauren Small Year Left: 2014 Subjects: Health & Social Care, Applied Science, ICT Occupation: Currently, I work at Antrim Area Hospital in the Emergency Department as a Band 6 Clinical Sister. Pathway to Success: During my time...

Ulidia Integrated College Sixth Form - Securing Brighter and Better Futures for All Name: Lauren McDowell Year Left: 2016 Subjects: English Literature & Double Award Applied Science Occupation: I am currently studying at the Institute of Professional Legal Studies at Queen’s University in order to complete my qualification to...

Ulidia Integrated College Sixth Form - Securing Brighter and Better Futures for All Name: Chris Hackworth Year Left: 2006 Subjects: Double Performing Arts & Moving Image Arts Occupation: Social Work Student/Youth Worker Pathway to Success: I studied Double Award Performing Arts and Moving Image Arts at Ulidia and then studied Drama...

Name: Ryan Kearney Year Left: 2016 Subjects: ICT, Travel & Tourism, Performing Arts Occupation: Technology Engineer for ITV Pathway to Success: After school, I went onto study Interactive Computing in Ulster University, which is within the Computer Science discipline. After acquiring my degree, I worked for a Health Tech Company...

Name: Matthew Sharpe Year Left: 2012 Subjects: Double BTEC Sports Studies, BTEC Performing Arts Occupation: Professional Actor Pathway to Success: Performing at National Theatre in London, BA Drama Queens University, Professional contract theatre tour in Spain. Recent projects have included the feature film Ordinary People and Bloodlands. Best memories of...