General News

The event will take place on Thursday 7 November 2013 from 7.00pm – 9.00pm at Ulidia Integrated College (room will depend on numbers and will be confirmed nearer the date). Everyone welcome – bring a friend! Tickets are on sale from the office for £2 (this will include entry...

The Chess Club is held each Thursday in Languages 1 at lunchtime. Everyone is welcome – beginners and experts alike. Throughout the year there are tournaments for those pupils who enjoy playing chess competitively while those who prefer to play for enjoyment can continue to do...

The Eco Club met last Thursday lunchtime for the first time this academic year. We had some new year 8’s join us and the group has already been putting forward some new ideas that they want to develop over the coming months. If you are...

This is the 3rd Annual Conference organised by the Queens University Autism Research and Treatment (QUART) Forum, part of the Centre for Behaviour Analysis at QUB. The conference takes place on Friday the 20th of September. For more details, click on the link below. 2013 QUART...

Congratulations to Chelsea McClurg 11 MTC, on gaining her first coaching certificate in gymnastics. Chelsea, a talented gymnast was awarded her British Gymnastics Core Proficiency certificate at Mourne Gymnastics Club in August. Keep up the good work Chelsea!...

We are planning to run a pampered chef event in school 7.00-9.00pm on Thursday 7 November 2013. Tickets are priced at £2. Tea and coffee will be available. Tickets will be available from the office on Monday 16th September (so we have an idea of numbers)....

As is traditional at Ulidia, the Sixth Form spent their first day completing teambuilding activities.  This allows the new Sixth Form to get to know the Upper Sixth and also integrates new students to the school. This year students went to Antrim Lough Shore park to...

We are delighted that our Sixth Form and Year 12 students have once again exceeded not just the schools high expectation and targets, but also those set out by the Department of Education for Northern Ireland to benchmark and measure academic success and high quality...