General News

Over half term Mr Dunlop and 3 senior pupils travelled to Bochum in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The trip came about after an invitation given by the Alice Salomon School after 2 of their teachers along with a Hungarian teacher visited Ulidia in October to view...

On Thursday 5th March 2015 Ulidia Integrated College was awarded 'Ambassador School' status by Eco Schools Northern Ireland. At a ceremony to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Eco Schools Northern Ireland, the students were presented with a plaque to mark the occasion.   The award recognises the...

On Monday 2nd March Ulidia was visited by the ARC21 bus. Year 8 visited the bus as part of the eco schools programme. They had the opportunity to take part in workshops on the bus about recycling and waste.   Students found out all about waste management...

Earlier this month, singers Matthew Johnston, Mollie Kempton and Aimee Neill took part in the Mossgrove Youth Festival.  Mossgrove is a unique music festival for young people aged between 5 and 25 who compete in singing and instrumental classes throughout the week. The competition was...

On Friday 6 March, to celebrate Integrated Education Week we had a non-uniform day. As part of that, everyone was encouraged to wear odd socks to help support the IEF fundraising campaign and celebrate the fact that it’s good to be different.   As you can see,...

We have been informed by Translink that it is highly unlikely they will be providing any buses on Friday 13 March due to industrial/strike action. School will be open as usual on Friday and I hope that you will be able to make alternative arrangements...

Ulidia will be running a 'Comic Relief Bake Off' this Thursday, 12th March. Everyone is welcome to join Miss Rolloos after school from 3.25pm to 5pm. Pupils can work in groups of up to four people to make their own cake, buns or speciality bake. Winning...

We are very fortunate to have Jim Gamble visiting Ulidia on Monday 16th March from 7pm to 8.30pm.  He is going to speak and give practical advice on how to keep your children safe online.  This is a free event open to the whole community. Jim...

The hill walking season is upon us and the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme participants have been taking part in a team building and training day at Ulidia, that will prepare them for their time on the hills.   Our Gold team are going to see some of...