General News

With Christmas fast approaching and the disappointment that we cannot hold our annual Christmas Fayre, Parent Council would like to encourage you to sign up for Easyfundraising, a site that works with all the main stores Eg. Amazon, M&S, Argos, Sainsburys and EBay to name...

This week is Anti-Bullying Week and as always we want to stand together against bullying. Registration time all week will be dedicated to raising awareness of all types of bullying and what we need to do about it. ...

Our internal mock examinations are taking place between Monday 30th November 2020 and Wednesday 9th December 2020 for years 12, 13 and 14. Exams will take place in the hall, aside from Year 12 Music and Media which are in Drama 2. Students should be ready and waiting 15minutes...

We were unable to have our usual Remembrance Assembly today but we took time during our form classes today to have an Act of Remembrance to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we...

Finally they are here! With all that has happened we are delighted to introduce our Senior Prefect team. We congratulate them all on their successful applications and wish them well in carrying out their roles. The application process for our senior team is normally carried out...

During September 2020 Year 9 students took part in the Eco Schools Translink Travel Challenge. Year 9 were challenged to increase the sustainability of their journeys to and from school. Within their form time students recorded how they usually travel to and from school and were...

Ulidia Integrated College has recorded excellent GCSE Results with 68% of pupils gaining 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Maths. This is in line with the College’s 3-year average for results, disproving CCEA’s claims that teachers are prone to over predict grades. Principal Michael Houston...

Dear Parent/Carer We are very much looking forward to welcoming our new Year 8 pupils to their induction days in Ulidia Integrated College on: Thursday 27 August 2020 • 8:50 am - 12.15 pm Friday 28 August 2020 • 8.50 am - 12.00 noon Please note: If you or anyone in...

Ulidia Integrated College’s pupils were delighted to be on school grounds today for the first time since March to collect their A level grades. A Level Grades this year were awarded by examination boards such as CCEA in Northern Ireland using a statistical model to determine...