General News

A new term brings change and this year in Ulidia we have a very exciting change to our rewards structure.   We are now operating Positive Discipline, a system designed to more regularly acknowledge and reward pupil achievement both in and outside the classroom.   We at Ulidia have...

  September 2016   Please note a parent induction meeting will take place in the college on Tuesday 6 September 2016, at 6.00pm.  Pupils are also required to attend.   In order to prepare pupils for GCSE/BTEC examinations, the following will be discussed:   GCSE courses Workload expected Support available Deadlines BTEC Positive discipline   Mrs Mercer, Year Leader...

Please note a parent induction meeting will take place in the college on Wednesday 7 September 2016, at 6.00pm.  Pupils are also required to attend.   In order to prepare pupils for AS/A2 level examinations and BTEC courses, the following will be discussed:   AS/A2 level courses Workload expected Support available Deadlines BTEC Positive...

As I look forward to taking up my post in September 2016 as Principal of Ulidia Integrated College, I am delighted to report that our Sixth Form students have once again exceeded not just the school’s high expectations and targets, but also those set out...

Recently our Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award students completed their Dare to Dream expedition/campaign. They successfully navigated from Leitrim Lodge on Friday 24th June to the Windy Gap, for their first night through the wind and the rain. Next day they trekked from there to...

Last week students from Ulidia took part on our annual Rewards Trip. Students were chosen based on excellent attendance and good behaviour. This year our Year 8 and 9 pupils were picked up in a double-decker bus at 10am and headed to Dundonald Ice Bowl....

On Friday June 17th 2016 we held our annual Sports Day. The weather was fantastic which made for a brilliant morning all round. We got under way with Mr Dunlop making all pupils do a quick warm up jogging around the track and the fun...

On Wednesday 22nd June, Ulidia Integrated College held our annual Green Day event. Green Day is a whole day of environmental activities for students in KS3 which aims to promote environmental responsibility on a local, national, and global scale. During the day pupils from KS3 enjoyed...