General News

On Thursday 24th November, a group of 15 students from years 8 – 13 were chosen to attend an Anti-bullying training workshop run by the Diana Award.  The event which took place in Carrickfergus Grammar school was attended by students from a number of local...

On Friday 25th November, the Year 8 hockey team attended a hockey blitz at Downshire school. The girls have been training hard and were very excited to be playing some friendly games before their league starts in January.   Although the girls got off to a shaky...

On Friday 25th November, Year 8 students were visited by the award winning Bin It! Roadshow. All of our Year 8 students were given the opportunity to attend the event in the hall, during lesson 5 on Friday afternoon.   The show was taken by 'Doc'...

Sixth Form Volunteers from Ulidia Integrated College have rolled up their sleeves to support a new community building partnership between Habitat for Humanity Northern Ireland and St Michael’s Church of Ireland Parish, off the Shankill Road, which will serve people across West Belfast.   Habitat volunteers of...

Earlier this month, the eco team took part in a 'wild art' activity at the school grounds after school with Mrs Patterson. The team began with a scavenger hunt around the school grounds to explore the colours of autumn and gather leaves and other fallen...

Since after half term, Year 12 and sixth year students have been meeting Tuesdays after school to train for their Silver Duke of Edinburgh. They have been team building and learning new map reading skills already - much more to come...

On Friday we marked the end of Anti-Bullying week with our traditional Blue Friday!   We wear blue to represent to show that we stand together against bullying and to acknowledge everyone who has been affected by bullying.   Well done to Student Council and class reps who delivered...

I want to say thank you to our outstanding Parents' Council for organising Thursday night's Christmas Craft Fair event. Staff, Pupils and a huge number of external traders brought a dazzling array of talent, food, arts and crafts to the College and all who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves....

This year the Ulidia eco team are twinning with a school in Madagascar. This week they prepared their first 'pack' to send to Madagascar which included a letter from each pupil in the team, and a profile of the eco team at Ulidia. The pack...