General News

On Saturday 18th November a group of pupils from Ulidia Integrated College attended the Translink Youth Summit accompanied by Mrs Patterson.   At the event, the group had the opportunity to give their opinions and ideas about the future of public transport in Northern Ireland. The pupils...

Our Blue Friday on Friday 17th November was a fantastic success! Staff and pupils from Year 8 right through to 6th Form made a superb effort to effort to wear blue to show that we stand together against bullying behaviour in Ulidia!   Pupils engaged well in...

Year 11 Food and Nutrition and Contemporary Cuisine students were visited by Tasty Careers Ambassador Geoff Lamb on Monday 13th November 2017. Geoff gave a very useful presentation on the wide range of careers available to students across the Northern Ireland food industry. All students...

Congratulations to Matthew Johnston in Year 13, who recently won the regional heats of the Rotary Young Leadership competition. Matthew successfully came through two professional interviews firstly competing against fellow Ulidia students and then against other local schools. Matthew will now represent the region in...

During October 2017 the geography department participated in the world's largest lesson. This is an event where pupils all over the world throughout all UN countries participate in the same lesson during the same time based on the global development goals. Learners in KS3 had...

The Great British Bake Off team have been in touch with Mrs Ford, Head of Home Economics, and are looking for the best baking talent from Carrickfergus to apply for the next series of the Bake Off on Channel 4. We would love to see...

Mrs Moore's Year 9 Home Economics classes were busy making Halloween shortbread as a treat during the last week of October. Pupils displayed excellent creativity in decorating their spooky spiders, bats and ghosts. The year 9's displayed a variety of skills, such as: rolling, cutting, baking...

On Friday 20th October the Ulidia Eco team held a litter picking event around the school grounds.   In the aftermath of storm Ophelia the eco team recognised that the school grounds had been littered by litter blowing in to school grounds and also by litter being blown out...