General News

Ulidia Integrated College has successfully renewed its Green Flag award on 25 September 2018, without the need for an assessment visit and with no requirements to implement. The Eco-Schools team were particularly impressed by the continuity and strength of the programme in Ulidia Integrated College,...

Students in Year 8 and Year 9 have been busy coding Ulidia’s BBC Micro:bits in Coding Club on Mondays after school.  The Micro:bit can be used for all sorts of creations, from robots to musical instruments; the possibilities are endless. The Micro:bit is a handheld, fully programmable...

On Wednesday 16thOctober we held our annual Ulidia Integrated Golf Open at Carrickfergus Golf Club. On what turned out to be a beautiful day for the time of year, we had three senior and three junior pupils playing.  They represented Team Meharg and Team Spratt respectively...

Travel and tourism students from years 12, 13, and 14 took part in a 'Tourism Masterclass'. This master class workshop was led by Young Enterprise Northern Ireland. During the workshop students from the three year groups worked together to complete a series of tasks designed...

During term one this year all year 9 learners are studying Personal Development in Learning for Life and Work. Within this module students are learning about how to cope in an emergency, use of 999 and how to stay safe.  This term students in year 9...

Year 8 Pupils at Ulidia took part in an exciting new Rail Safety Initiative delivered by Replay Theatre Company on behalf of Translink.  This project saw a team from Replay Theatre Company take our young people through a fun, interactive theatre workshop to help explore the...

Following our elections in September, our new Student Council is up and running! The Council will be lead by our Head and Deputy Head Prefects Faith, Cameron, Eoghan and Rachel. The first meeting on Monday 9th October was very successful with lots of ideas as to...

This year, we are dedicating the month of October to promoting well-being amongst pupils and staff in the College. This morning’s assembly focused on the 5 Steps to Well-Being, currently promoted by the HSC. All junior school pupils are encouraged to: Be Active Connect with...

On Thursday 4th October 2018 students from year 11, 13 and 14 Art, Photography and Moving Image classes took part in a Special Effects Makeup workshop. The film and television industry is growing in Northern Ireland; therefore, this was a fantastic opportunity for students to...

On the 28th September 2018 the Year 13 and 14 photography and art students made a trip into Belfast to take some images of the city for their projects. We started off at The MAC art gallery in the Cathedral Quarter, the students explored the...