Author: ulidintadmin

Chelsea's Choice has now been seen by over 100,000 young people and hundreds of professionals that work with young people throughout the UK.   If you would be interested in seeing the play, please call 028 9031 0891 or contact Heather at the following email address:     [gview file=""]...

During that last term Year 8 Geography students learned about different types of energy. Throughout the unit they learned about fossil fuels and also the different ways that we can generate renewable energy, such as Geothermal Energy and Wave Power.   Students created presentations about renewable...

Before the Easter break the Eco Team were visited by the RSPB. During the visit students learnt about different types of habitat and how to encourage animals onto the school grounds, to increase biodiversity.   Students then completed a biodiversity survey of the school by looking at mini beasts and habitats...

Over a period of four weeks, pupils in Years 8, 9 and 10 took up the challenge of improving their times-table knowledge and speed.   They revised both at home and in school through games on the computer. Every pupil who participated improved – the challenge was...

The NEELB STEM Module is a mobile laboratory and workshop designed to bring high quality learning experiences in STEM subjects to pupils. With the importance of STEM subjects in industry, the STEM module visited Ulidia Integrated College on the 19th of March.   The Year 10, Year...

During the winter term the Geography department has been holding its annual KS3 Spellathon event. Students in Years 8, 9 and 10 took part in the spellathon by learning key words and completing a spelling test on them. Students then raised money by being sponsored...

The Year 12 Careers Convention is a joint venture, held by the four post primary schools in Carrickfergus for their students. The convention has exhibitors from local and international business, local further and higher education establishments, the armed forces and many more.   Our Year 12 had...