Author: MrParkes

Ulidia girls were delighted to try their hand at Rugby on Thursday 9th October 2014 when Ireland and Ulster rugby player, Grace Davitt, visited Ulidia Integrated College.   Grace showed the girls some of her skills and answered questions from pupils.  Their teacher Miss. McKee, who played...

.... Develop Fresh!   Wednesday 8th October was the first of our Educating and Empowering Parents evenings with “Develop Fresh”. This is a new programme written for Ulidia by Ian & Lynn McKenzie from the Pregnancy Resource Centre. They are familiar faces here in Ulidia and we...

Five of our 6th form pupils - Dena Fisher, Jade Chambers, Sarah Ashe, Christopher Picken and Lisa Mullholland volunteered to help NICIE with their activities on Culture night on Friday 19th September.   It was a short trail experience under the title Laugh and Learn Together.  It started at...

The Ulidia Eco Team has been running for several years and is run by Mrs. Patterson, this photo shows the members of the Eco team 2014-15.   On Friday 3rd October the Eco team conducted their annual environmental review.  It was a very wet day but the rain didn't dampen...

Ulidia has entered an exciting competition called the AES Eco-Challenge.   The AES Eco Challenge, in partnership with Business in the Community, is a Dragon’s Den-style competition challenging students to develop a proposal for a sustainability-themed initiative in their area. Three schools – one from each Council area –...