Author: MrParkes

With great sadness, I wish to inform you that Ulidia Integrated College will be closed on Tuesday 20th November from 12 noon as a mark of respect on the passing of Mr George Leslie. George was a founding Governor of Ulidia, and was a deeply respected...

Today marks the beginning of Anti-Bullying Week 2018! This is always an important date in our calendar and this year is no different. This morning, our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors launched the week by delivering a powerful assembly to Junior around the theme of respect. The Ambassadors have...

This year there will be two sessions of mock exams for Year 12.  The first will be during the first week in December, the second during the first couple of weeks after Christmas. December 2018 Below is a timetable for the December exams.  Students only attend school...

With this year being the centenary of Armistice Day (the 100th anniversary of the signing of the armistice or truce, that ended World War I, on Nov 11th, 1918), we at Ulidia, experienced a unique commemoration, recognising the significance of the end of the First...

Thursday 25 October 2018 marked the official date for Ulidia Integrated College’s Annual Speech and Prize Night.  Staff, Board of Governors, invited guests including Founding Principal, Mr Eugene Martin and parents joined the prize winners to share in the success and achievements of pupils for...

Congratulations must go to Adam McVicker who won the school heat of the Rotary Youth Leadership competition. This competition is one the longest running youth projects and it rewards young people with clear leadership potential based on their extra-curricular activities. Adam now goes forward to the...

The year 12 GCSE PE class along with Mr Donnelly and Miss Steele travelled to Woodhall Outdoor Learning centre from 15-18 of October.  Pupils successful in displaying their skills over an Orange level course are able to use this activity as one of their three...

Ulidia Integrated College has successfully renewed its Green Flag award on 25 September 2018, without the need for an assessment visit and with no requirements to implement. The Eco-Schools team were particularly impressed by the continuity and strength of the programme in Ulidia Integrated College,...

Students in Year 8 and Year 9 have been busy coding Ulidia’s BBC Micro:bits in Coding Club on Mondays after school.  The Micro:bit can be used for all sorts of creations, from robots to musical instruments; the possibilities are endless. The Micro:bit is a handheld, fully programmable...