New Build


New Build

NEW BUILD UPDATE 11th February 2022

Although we don’t have a firm start date for construction of the new build to formally begin (we hope it will be before the end of this term), I am delighted that some pre-construction work is starting week beginning Monday 14 February. I wanted to

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Plans are moving forward for the new multi-million-pound build on the current site of Ulidia Integrated College – we hope to break ground and begin the build during 2021, with the possibility of moving in during 2023.

The decision was taken by the Department of Education and approved by the Department of Finance as part of the Fresh Start Agreement money that was promised to Integrated and Shared Education.

A Superb Opportunity

This is a superb opportunity and we are thrilled to be part of the Fresh Start Agreement.

Ulidia’s current buildings were built to house only around two thirds of the current population of the College and are no longer fit for purpose. The build is much needed to meet the demands of our broad curriculum which offers both Grammar and All Ability Pathways for learning.


The build will give us state of the art 3G pitches and facilities for PE, a four times larger Technology and Design suite than we currently have, a dedicated study and wellbeing space for Sixth Form, a stunning new library with far reaching views over Belfast Lough and so much more.

Ulidia Integrated College is working hard to ensure that our young people get the best possible educational opportunities in Northern Ireland, and this stunning new building will help us get a step closer to that goal.

Further, a great deal of thought has gone into easing the traffic situation outside the College in the mornings and afternoons as well.

Although Ulidia remains heavily oversubscribed, it is important to note that this build will cater for our current numbers, giving them the facilities and classrooms that other similar sized schools already have.

These are exciting times for Ulidia Integrated College and for integrated education in the Carrickfergus area