Ulidia goes to Tayto Park!

Ulidia goes to Tayto Park!

Ulidia’s students who achieved the most credits this year were offered a trip to Tayto Park in Co Meath on Monday 26th.  This is the reward for a year of hard work, excellent effort and excellent behaviour.

What a reward! Never mind the longer school day – time flies when you have fun! We arrived at the famous crisps’ theme park just before lunch and we took the rides by storm.  Yes – we – because, pupils and staff were definitely up for it too, as evidenced by the soaked clothes and hair after an hour.  The water ride was fun – but wet, obviously – and the roller coaster was a definite favourite for everyone.

It was a great day for all, the sun was out for most of the day, there were rides (some scary and some really nice mild ones), cute animals, food, and of course … crisps.

As we made our way out, pupils reminded us that we should have free crisps and indeed, there were a couple of boxes with ‘Ulidia’ written on them. It was hard to resist opening them on the way back, but the thought of 95 packs of cheese and onions packs being eaten at the same time in a closed space was enough to make us postpone the opening of the free packs.

It was a brilliant day – bring on next June!