U17 European Netball Championships

U17 European Netball Championships

On Friday 3rd of March, six year 9 students represented Ulidia on court as ball girls, at the European Netball Championships at the Antrim Forum. We asked some of those attending students in their own words to tell us about the event.

I really enjoyed going to see the Northern Ireland vs England netball match. It was a really good experience to get to watch the match but also to be a ball girl. Watching their impressive skills and technique will show us how we should play in later matches with our school.

Lois (Year 9)

Going to watch Northern Ireland and England play netball was a great experience to learn new skills and tactics. I think I can really take new things from this to improve our netball team. It was a great honour to be selected as a ball girl.

Sophie (Year 9)

On Friday 3rd March, I was given the opportunity along with five other girls, Anesa, Rachel, Sarah, Lois and Sophie to be a ball girl at the Antrim Forum. The match was between Northern Ireland and England. 

We arrived there at around 3pm, so we were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Wales vs Scotland as we waited for our match to begin. They were amazing, their speed was incredible. When their match finished, it was explained to us what we had to do. It was a simple task, each of us had a spot on the outside of the court to sit at and when the ball came our way, we would get it and throw it to the player who had the throw in.

Every quarter and at half time we were able to get up and have a chat with each other, then we went back to our positions. It was such a good experience watching the match and seeing how good they were. It was quite inspiring to watch them play and see the effort and dedication that went into every movement.

I’m very glad and thankful that I got out of school to go to this match and meet all of the NI players.

Lauren (Year 9)