Integrated Colour Dash

Integrated Colour Dash

On the afternoon of Monday 11th April Ulidia Integrated College hosted their first ever “Integrated Colour Dash”. The recreational event was a lead on from Integrated Education Week and the first of its kind to be held by the school.  It saw 88 Year 9 pupils “dashing” through multi-coloured powder paint at various locations.  All participants on the day wore Sky Sports Living for Sport t-shirts that were kindly provided by the organisation.


The event was organised by Mr Spratt’s Year 12 Sports Studies class as part of their BTEC Coursework.  The year 9 students were challenged to walk, jog or run around a course in the school grounds during their games lesson whilst being covered in coloured paint. 


The extra money raised was presented to St. Johns Ambulance volunteers who kindly attended the event.   The event was also attended by friend of the College and Sky Sports Ambassador Michael McKillop.  


Yours in Sport


Mr Spratt