Ulidia to represent Northern Ireland in Global Scrapbook Campaign

Ulidia to represent Northern Ireland in Global Scrapbook Campaign

Ulidia Integrated College was chosen to represent Northern Ireland in the Global Scrapbook Campaign. In the project, self-made scrapbooks will travel around the world from one Eco-School to another. The campaign will take place from February to May 2016.


The scrapbook arrived at Ulidia during January. The eco team chose to include information about the college history, our school badge, as well as including information about our school eco code and our zero waste project.


The campaign was good fun, with eco team members stating that they really enjoyed finding out about our college history and asking Mr Martin about the development of our school. Pupils learnt all about eco schools in Finland by reading the previous school’s pages in the book. The scrapbook has now been passed to Sweden for the next school to add to the project.


The homepage of the project is http://www.ecoschools.global/news-stories/2016/2/8/the-global-scrapbook-campaign