23 Jun Ryan Kearney – Future Secured
Name: Ryan Kearney
Year Left: 2016
Subjects: ICT, Travel & Tourism, Performing Arts
Occupation: Technology Engineer for ITV
Pathway to Success:
After school, I went onto study Interactive Computing in Ulster University, which is within the Computer Science discipline. After acquiring my degree, I worked for a Health Tech Company as a Software Analyst/Engineer which was my first graduate job.
Best memories in Ulidia:
I could write a book on my Best Memories! First notable one is probably making myself at home, and making new friends. I had migrated from the Philippines and moved to Ulidia in First Year, which was a big adjustment but everyone was pleasant and supportive.
The second one would be my overall development throughout the years within Ulidia Integrated College. There were plenty of great teachers, but Mr Dunlop, ICT Teachers and Mrs Stevenson (who isn’t in Ulidia anymore) really helped turn my life around, regarding my career choices and interest in life given the situation and circumstances I was in.
Why study sixth form at Ulidia:
I’ve personally seen the in-depth progression of the school from first year to upper sixth, and the growth during this time frame has been nothing but significant.
The school has every tool you need to succeed on any subject you desire. The culture and diversity alone are two factors that will without a doubt have a massive influence in your life, as it will inevitably affect your overall outlook and thoughts.
Why do you think students should follow an ICT based pathway:
First and foremost, no matter what anyone says, Computing runs the world, no matter what you think of it. I can’t think of any industry that doesn’t need computing to either produce, support or maintain its assets.
The last thing is the majority of the highest paying job roles in our country and especially around the world revolve around the tech industry.
Technology is only ever evolving, frankly – quicker by the year. Most things are becoming more automated, we now have things like automated markets ie. Amazon Fresh.
Aspirations for the Future:
The biggest thing really is to be as healthy as possible, because health is wealth. I hope to learn as much as I can, and really develop myself to be the best that I can be. To have a great impact in society, within my family and people around me in general. To travel the world as much as possible.
Ulidia Integrated College – Securing Brighter and Better Futures for All
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