20 May Ulidia Sports Day 2022
The much anticipated Ulidia Integrated College Sports day took place on Wednesday 18th May. Thankfully the weather was very kind and the sun shone throughout the mornings activities.
As usual there was great competition in the sprint events with some excellent races in the relays for yr8-10 students. This time round pupils participated for their form class and it appeared to add to the excitement of the events, for pupils and associated form teachers.
It’s hard to believe that due to Covid restrictions the last few years, this was the year 10’s first sports day from starting the school. The absence of great days like this on the calendar for so long has perhaps motivated more pupils to come in and get involved. Attendance across all year groups was very high and every event was fully attended on the day.
There were even greater numbers than usual for our revised field events; shot putt and overarm throw. The PE department introduced a new award system whereby every pupil who took part gained points for their form class and this proved a great success.
All teaching staff and classroom assistants played a massive part to ensure the day’s activities passed off smoothly. Looking forward to next year already!!!