13 Jan Ulidia IC Holds First Open Day for Two Years
On Saturday 8th January, Ulidia Integrated College held its first socially distanced open day for two years. With all of the Covid restrictions in place, for once our current site which has no internal corridors were an advantage to us, and we were able to go ahead.
480 parents and P7 pupils visited the College and were treated to a walk round the site using a one way (Ikea style!) system.
As much as we would have loved to open our doors to all who were interested in the College, tickets were limited to keep our staff and current pupils safe.
Overall, it was a phenomenal success, and parents and pupils reported how welcome they were made and how grateful they were to actually see around a post primary school.
All of the rooms that were open looked fantastic, but we know it is the people that make a school what it is, not the facilities, and this was a great opportunity to meet the staff and see current pupils’ work.
Having said that, the big news is of course the new school build, due to begin very soon, and this incredible project can be explored here: https://testing.ulidiacollege.com/about/new-build/
For those who could not make it to open day, all of the information is available on: https://testing.ulidiacollege.com/admissions/year8/
Please contact the College if you would like to discuss admission to the College with a member of staff, and we will be glad to speak to you.