05 Nov UIC at COP26
Last weekend our Head of Geography Sandra Patterson attended and presented in Glasgow at Teachers COP hosted by the Office of Climate Education (OCE), UNESCO. Mrs Patterson was one of three teachers from across Europe who presented to 269 delegates from around the globe. The head of Eco-Schools Global Kristina Madsen was also in attendance.
Mrs Patterson shared with delegates the actions taken at Ulidia Integrated College through our whole school Environmental Education approach including our Travel Challenge which is completed by Y9 students annually and our Sixth form Eco Mentor programme in partnership with Acorn Integrated Primary School.
During the event Mrs Patterson had the opportunity and space to reflect on the current situation and context of climate change education. The group collaborated to identify and write proposals for Climate Change Education globally. To read the proposals in full please follow the link https://eco-schoolsni.etinu.net/eco-schoolsni/documents/008406.pdf These Proposals will be shared by the OCC in the Blue Zone this week for delegates including world leaders to vote on.
To add your signature in support of the proposals please sign here: https://www.oce.global/en/news/teacherscop-join-your-voices-better-climate-change-education