19 Aug Year 8 Induction Days
Dear Parent/Carer
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our new Year 8 pupils to their induction days in Ulidia Integrated College on:
Thursday 27 August 2020 • 8:50 am – 12.15 pm
Friday 28 August 2020 • 8.50 am – 12.00 noon
Please note:
- If you or anyone in your household is displaying symptoms of Covid-19, you should contact the school office and NOT send your child to school.
- Any forms that need to be returned can be handed in by the pupil at the main school office on arrival.
- Pupils should attend in full school uniform, bring their break, school bag and pens, pencils, etc. We also recommend students bringing a bottle of still water.
- Pupils must bring their own tissues and hand sanitiser. A PLAIN face covering may be brought to school, although these are not compulsory.
- Pupils will be introduced to their form class and take part in an induction programme.
- There will be computer based tests carried out as part of the induction programme. Please do not be concerned about this, as they are solely used for giving us a baseline of where pupils are starting from and determining grammar or all ability pathway.
- Pupils should bring in any work they have completed from their pupil starter pack.
- Pupils will be expected to wash their hands on arrival at school and throughout the day and to continue to follow the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ guidance.
- Although social distancing guidance rules have been relaxed somewhat, pupils must remain 2 metres away from adults where possible, and 1 metre away from other students where possible.
- In order to facilitate social distancing, parents will not be able to enter the site, and pupils must be dropped off and collected from the school gates.
- No staff will be available for meetings. Please telephone the school office on (028) 9335 8500 if you have any information you would like to pass on.
Lastly, please note the start and end times of each day. I look forward to seeing all our new pupils on the 27th!
Yours Sincerely
M Houston