13 Aug A Level Results Day 2020
Ulidia Integrated College’s pupils were delighted to be on school grounds today for the first time since March to collect their A level grades.
A Level Grades this year were awarded by examination boards such as CCEA in Northern Ireland using a statistical model to determine grades due to the Covid19 pandemic. In many cases Ulidia Integrated College pupils excelled as expected, but in other cases CCEA awarded grades well below the Centre Assessed Grade provided by the school staff.
The vast majority of pupils who wished to continue on to University have gained places on their preferred courses, with one or two more waiting to hear later today.
Michael Houston, Principal, said, “Whilst I am very pleased that our students’ pathways to University and into careers have not been significantly affected by the Covid19 Pandemic, I am sure there will be a significant number of appeals against examination boards in the weeks and months ahead.”
He added, “The learning community in Carrickfergus is thriving and I wish to also congratulate those students from Carrickfergus Grammar and Carrickfergus Academy who have studied one of their A Levels with us, and have also achieved excellent results. On behalf of the Board of Governors and staff, may I say very well done and wish all of our students every future success.”