13 Mar Integrated Education Month
This year the theme for integrated education month is ‘2020 vision’. We are celebrating this through assemblies and events that will encourage all age groups to mix during the month of March.
One of our past pupils had ‘2020 vision’ when she produced a piece of artwork through the Carson bursary award to help develop the creative talent of students at integrated Colleges in Northern Ireland.
Meghan Kernohan produced this piece of artwork with the help of students and staff at ULIDIA INTEGRATED COLLEGE. The idea behind it was that we ‘see everyone equally’ , that we fit together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. The imagery represented what integration meant to Megan and her peers. She believed that integrated living is the way forward for Northern Ireland and everyone should look through the ‘eye of equality’ with excitement and anticipation for future generations.
We hope that current students and staff of Ulidia Integrated College continue to have the ‘2020 vision’ needed to see everyone equally as they go about their daily lives both in and out of school.
Thank you, Meghan.