03 Feb Learn 2 Earn Workshop
Year 10 had the opportunity to attend the Young Enterprise Learn 2 Earn workshop on Friday 31st January.
Learn to Earn motivates students by encouraging them to consider financial plans for the future, set goals and think about their future study options. Learn to Earn provides students with a clearer understanding of the routes to jobs and careers that they will find engaging and rewarding. It widens students’ horizons, challenges stereotypes and raises aspirations. It provides students with knowledge of the skills necessary to make successful transitions to the next stage of their life.
Year 10 were encouraged to think about their future employment and to consider their hopes and dreams. They were shown a budget and asked to work out their income and expenses. Choosing GCSE options is just around the corner and this workshop came at the perfect time as they had the opportunity to look at future careers and what they would they would require to pursue those careers.
Well done to Kace Mae and Ethan who were given special commendations over the two sessions.
A big thank you to Young Enterprise for coming into school and running the workshop.