27 Feb Coronavirus Information
All schools in Northern Ireland received general precautionary advice from the Department of Health in relation to the Coronavirus COVID-19 before half term. No action was recommended at this time.
Over the last couple of days, The Public Health Agency has issued guidance on what you should do in relation to the coronavirus, for example “catch it, bin it, kill it”. With respect to schools, they have also confirmed that only pupils or members of staff who recently travelled to Northern Italy and are displaying flu-like symptoms should self-isolate at home for two weeks. However, we are continuing to monitor and act on advice issued from the Public Health Agency, Department of Health, Department of Education and Education Authority.
Obviously the information we receive is constantly being updated by the Public Health Agency and I encourage you to check their website for further details at www.publichealth.hscni.net/ news/covid-19-coronavirus or from the 24/7 helpline on 0300 200 7885.
The Public Health Agency (PHA) has updated its COVID-19 advice in line with the rest of the UK in light of new cases emerging in several countries.
Dr Muhammad Sartaj, Consultant in Health Protection at the PHA, said: “With parts of Italy now coming within the guidance, we appreciate that people who may have travelled to the country recently will be concerned and are seeking advice. This includes parents of children who may have been on school trips over half-term, so we are liaising with Department of Education, Education Authority, and schools, to advise on the impact of the newly-updated guidelines, and how they apply in each set of circumstances.
The General Advice given is:
‘If children, pupils, students or staff become unwell and believe that they have been exposed to COVID-19 (either through travel to China and other affected countries or contact with a confirmed case), people who become unwell are advised NOT to go their GP, Pharmacy, urgent care centre or hospital but to telephone their GP, or 999 if an emergency (i.e. if they are seriously ill or injured or your life is at risk and explain which country they have returned from in the last 14 days).
The incubation period of COVID -19 is between 2-14 days and therefore anyone who believes that they may have been exposed to it especially during the half term break should contact the school, remain at home (absent from school and the workplace if a teacher/non teacher) and inform your GP and the Public Health Agency.
Students attendance will not be affected if this is the case.
Yours Sincerely
Mr Houston