24 Jan Translink Safety Bus
Ulidia had a visit from the Translink Safety Bus today with Year 8 pupils having the opportunity to learn about the benefits of using public transport and also educate them on the dangers of anti-social behaviour.
The Safety Bus is a free resource that teaches school children the benefits of safe transport, the need to protect it, and the personal/societal detriment caused by anti-social behaviours on and around buses. It eases children’s transition to public transport, explaining how to use services; demystifying ‘the big bus’ as children move to ‘big school’.
The safety bus plays a vital role in educating primary and secondary school students about safe bus use, including safety features on buses, the importance of wearing seatbelts and the reason for on board CCTV.
It aims to:
- Encourage young people to use public transport;
- Educate them on the dangers of anti-social behaviour associated;
- Provide a platform for direct engagement with young people engaged in dangerous behaviours on/around buses.