07 Jan Geography Department awarded the Met Mark
The Geography Department at Ulidia Integrated College has been awarded the ‘Met Mark’ by The Royal Meteorological Society this December. The Award was presented to the Department to recognize excellence in weather teaching.
Over the past year Mr Dunlop has attended training provided by the Royal Metrological Society at The Ulster University which as been used to redevelop the Year 9 ‘Our Changing Weather and Climate’ unit of work as well as the GCSE year 11 course. Mrs Patterson has attended training provided by the UN to be recognised as a UN Accredited Climate Change Teacher, this training was used to redevelop the Year 10 ‘Climate Change’ unit of work, as well as the GCSE Weather module. The Geography department have invested in updated weather recording equipment to support these units of work.
The department have also launched their weather station which provides live weather information to the College. The weather data is available for all to access in the school foyer as well as on an interactive panel in the Geography Department. The data collected from our weather station is used in classes to enhance learning and to develop skills. Data from the station is also collated by members of the friendship club and used to practice mathematical techniques with.
The Geography Department is very proud to have been awarded the Met Mark and thanks to Mr Dunlop for his hard work in collating the evidence required for the Award.