09 Oct Wellbeing Ambassadors Launched
We are proud today to launch our new Ulidia Wellbeing Ambassadors in sixth form.
Emotional health and wellbeing support can come from many different areas, family, friends or health care professionals and it can be difficult to ask for help. Our Ambassadors are there to help with the first step. They can point students in the right direction and encourage them the get the support they need. Although some individuals believe the need for emotional support is a sign of weakness research has shown the benefits of such support can have a huge impact on everyday life. There is no shame in seeking help. Talking to someone who has come through a similar life experience can help and encourage you to overcome your own challenges as well as maintain a healthy and positive outlook.
The Ambassadors will be available to all students in year 13 and 14 and will be responsible for promoting positive mental health in the Sixth Form Nudge Hub.
They will be sharing resources and support via social media and they will have drop in sessions on a Monday, Thursday and Friday in the sixth form centre from 1.00 – 1.30.
Asking for help is a sign of strength and bravery not weakness.