22 Aug Ulidia Record Impressive GCSE Results Again in 2019
Ulidia Integrated College has recorded impressive 2019 GCSE Results with 59% of pupils gaining 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Maths, and 100% of pupils attaining 5 or more GCSE grades.
Core subjects like English and Maths continued to improve on last year and remained significantly above Northern Ireland averages for similar schools.
English, Maths and Science results in particular were excellent, with 76% of pupils attaining A*-C in Double Award Science, 73% of pupils attaining A*-C in English, 100 % of pupils attaining A*-C in Further Maths and 61% of pupils attaining A*-C in Maths. Design and Technology also had a fantastic year with 68% of pupils attaining A*-C.
Principal Michael Houston reported an increased pass rate of 67% attaining 5 or more A*-C, with the vast majority of these coming from academic GCSEs.
Mr Houston said, “This is another year of phenomenal success for Ulidia Integrated College. We are so proud of our young people and the opportunities these results have now opened up for them. I expect record numbers returning to sixth form to study, and we are always pleased to welcome applications from prospective 6th form students who would like to study here.
This is a triumph for our pupils and parents alike, and I am always very grateful for the hard work and dedication our staff have shown. A fantastic finale to a fantastic academic year.”