02 May Years 8 – 12 Exam week
Tuesday 28th May – Friday 31st May 2019
Please find below the internal and external exam timetables. It is important that all students and parents / carers know the dates and times of the exams applicable to them. Please familiarise yourself with this timetable and the respective rooms and speak with your subject or form teachers if you are unsure of anything.
Years 8, 9 and 10 will have a shortened school day from 8.55am – 2.30pm. Each class has been assigned a room in which they will carry out all their exams, this is detailed at the bottom of the timetable. There are three exam sessions per day. Please ensure that pupils have plenty of revision material with them each day as there may be a little time prior to an exam for silent revision.
Year 11 have a mixture of external and internal exams. External exams are official exams set by the exam boards and carry a weighted percentage towards their overall grade. All students have been given an external exam timetable. Coupled with this, they will also complete internal exams which are set by their teachers, these are to assess their progress and prepare them for their exams in Year 12. Year 11 have been granted study leave from Monday 20th May – Friday 25th May, they do not attend school during this week unless they have an external exam. Their internal exams then commence from 28thMay – 31st May. They only need to attend when they have an exam and need to be outside the exam hall 15 minutes prior to the start time.