15 Feb Year 12 Interview Skills Day
On Thursday 15th February, our year 12 students had their annual interview skills day. All students took part and turned up dressed for the occasion. They were wonderful!
In the morning Dervla and Emma from Business In The Community NI delivered an Employability workshop focusing on interview skills. Students learned how to prepare for an interview, how to dress appropriately for the interview and how to make a good first impression. We practised body language, including the handshake, that sends the message “I am the best candidate for this job”. Students also got the opportunity to watch and comment on example interviews in preparation for the afternoon session.
After lunch, 13 members of the community, professionals in a range of areas and industries, joined us to make each student sit a mock interview for a job of their choice.
The performance of our students was promising and made us very proud.
We want to thank once again the members of the Ulidia community, business partners, BITCNI and Graham Group, who made this day possible.
The day was immensely beneficial to all – a day students will remember for a long time.