Christmas Dinner Fundraiser

Christmas Dinner Fundraiser

Wednesday 12th December marked a special day in the Ulidia Integrated College Calendar – our Christmas Dinner.  Every year the Board of Governors and Mr Houston provide a ‘free’ Christmas dinner for pupils and staff.  This has been an ongoing tradition in the lead up to the Christmas break for many years now and is enjoyed by all. 

This year there was a slight change to the event.  Recently, we had a visit from Catherine O’Hara the Regional Fundraiser for the Children’s Hospice and it was announced that there are currently 4 rooms closed in Horizon House due to a shortage of funds.  Both pupils and staff were very saddened by this information and so, as a school community we decided that we would join in their ‘Jingle all the Way’ Campaign; wearing Christmas jumpers instead of the usual school jumper, donate our usual lunch money to the hospice and be entertained by a musical ensemble who visited classes playing Christmas Carols and traditional music and collecting donations to this very worthy cause.  We hope to have the final amount raised today ready to announce by the end of this week.

In addition, we would like to thank all the parents, pupils and staff who have supported this charity over the last week and if anyone would still like to contribute there will be a collection bucket at the main office.