With great sadness, I wish to inform you that Ulidia Integrated College will be closed on Tuesday 20th November from 12 noon as a mark of respect on the passing of Mr George Leslie.
George was a founding Governor of Ulidia, and was a deeply respected member of the Board of Governors for over 20 years. Quite simply, Ulidia would not exist as it is today without his influence, friendship and tireless dedication.
George’s heart for Integrated education was front and centre in every conversation he had about Ulidia, and he supported all of the work of the College by giving his time and energy without reserve. He was certainly one of the most vocal supporters for an Integrated College in Carrickfergus in times when the community and education authority said there was no way an Integrated Post Primary could work in Carrickfergus. George and the other founding Governors proved them wrong- today Ulidia is the most oversubscribed school in the area, and continues to grow and develop.
On behalf of the Governors, staff and pupils, we wish to express our deeply felt gratitude for everything he has done for us, and we wish to extend our condolences, thoughts and prayers to his family who are still very much connected to the College.
M Houston