Remembrance Assembly

Remembrance Assembly

With this year being the centenary of Armistice Day (the 100th anniversary of the signing of the armistice or truce, that ended World War I, on Nov 11th, 1918), we at Ulidia, experienced a unique commemoration, recognising the significance of the end of the First World War, and the sacrifice made by so many men and women during the war.

It was our privilege to have Mr George Horner, a veteran of the Royal Irish Rifles during WW2, present with us.  Our Sea, Air and Army cadets were uniformed and played their part.  Pupils read and led us in remembrance, teachers conveyed the famous war poetry with poignancy and we lit candles to remember the countries who are at war, today.

Our pupils maintained decorum and respect as they engaged and contemplated the past and present sacrifices of war.  One form class communicated their feelings after the service:

“As a form class we would like to say thank you for making us think, take time to remember and realise the impact of war and how grateful we should be for our freedom. It was beautiful, we will not forget this assembly in a hurry. Thank you”. – 12MBR
