07 Jun ReCYCLE Campaign a Wheely big Success!
Ulidia Integrated College has been working closely for over three years with the Adsum Foundation, this relationship has led to the twinning of our Eco Team with an Eco Team in Port Duphine in Madagascar, and has enhanced both curricular and pastoral aspects of the whole school.
This term Ulidia Integrated College held two bicycle drop off days to support the community of our twinned Eco Team. Both days were hugely successful. Over the two days 84 bikes were dropped off for recycling.
The bikes will be serviced and then shipped to Madagascar by the Adsum Foundation. The bikes will provide much needed transport for the people of Madagascar; they will enable nurses and doctors to access members of the community in remote locations, and will allow young members of the community to transport goods such as rice to their homes more easily.
Thank you to the staff, students, and wider community of Ulidia Integrated College for your support with this campaign.