29 Jun Green Day 2018
On Wednesday 27th June 2018 Ulidia Integrated College held our annual Green Day event. This was our 10th annual green day event. This year, Year 8 were joined by Acorn Integrated Primary, Whiteabbey Primary and St. Nicholas Primary. The aim of the day is to promote environmental action at both a local and a global scale.
Green day started off with the year 8s learning about what Green Day is and what activities they will be taking part in. Year 8 learners also learnt about the College’s Eco Code and were given the opportunity to review and contribute towards a new Eco Code for the college.
Pupils from the four schools worked in groups to participate in a range of workshops, these included making bird feeders, learning about recycling, learning about marine wildlife in our area, and also learning about global development. Some pupils had the opportunity to participate in practical activities to improve our local environment such as litter picking.
Ulidia Integrated College hosted visitors from Eco Schools Northern Ireland, the Ulster Wildlife Trust, ISL Recycling, ASDAN, LIDL, Mid and East Antrim council, and the Northern Ireland school of falconry. The visitors provided an exciting range of activities and workshops for all learners to enjoy together.
A highlight for all pupils was the birds of prey display which was held in the hall after lunch. Pupils had the opportunity to learn about birds and their habitats and the pressures that the birds face today. Some students had the opportunity to hold the birds.
All pupils had the opportunity to participate in the ‘wacky boots’ competition and the ‘dress up’ competition, which was held in the hall at break time. Both Mrs Bell and Miss Hall were very impressed with the entries and the effort that went into them.
Congratulations to all the pupils involved for your enthusiasm, effort, and making our visitors on the day so very welcome.
Mrs Patterson would like to thank the following contributors who made this day possible for all year 8 learners and the visiting learners from three local primary schools:
- LIDL Northern Ireland
- ADSUM Foundation
- Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful
- Eco Schools Northern Ireland
- Ulster Wildlife Trust
- Northern Ireland School of Falconry
- The Gobbins
- Mid and East Antrim Council
- Woodland Trust
- Carrickfergus Omniplex
- Carrickfergus Castle
- National Trust