14 Mar Presentation of ISL cup
Ulidia Integrated College has been proudly working with ISL recycling for many years now to establish and maintain our zero waste status. We are proud to be the first zero waste school in Northern Ireland. This means that none of the waste produced at Ulidia Integrated College ever goes into landfill. All our waste is recycled or reused. Therefore reducing the carbon footprint of the college.
This year ISL presented the ‘ISL Recycling Cup’ to the Eco Team to be presented each year to a junior and senior pupil for their commitment to the eco team and the activities of the Eco Team. The first recipients of the cup are Kyna Ku (senior) and Ryan McMullan (Junior).
Both Ryan and Kyna have demonstrated commitment towards the Eco Team and have worked tirelessly to encourage others to be environmentally aware. Kyna has been a member of the Eco Team for seven years, and has been voted this year by her peers to be the Chairperson of the Eco Team.
The cup was presented by Joe McCrystal from ISL Recycling and Head of Geography Sandra Patterson to both Kyna and Ryan.