25 Jan Sentinus Inspire Careers in IT Sector
David Pilkington from Sentinus spoke to our Year 13 and Year 14 ICT students this week on the many career opportunities available in the IT Sector.
This initiative is part of the ‘Bring IT On’ Campaign and is supported by the Department of the Economy in order to raise awareness of the fastest growing sector of the Northern Ireland economy.
The presentation provided a comprehensive insight and up-to-date information on the range and potential for careers in Information Technology and Software Engineering.
David provided an interactive presentation followed by a question and answer session. The main content of the presentation informed our students of the skills required and career opportunities within the IT sector in Northern Ireland. He demonstrated the variety and attractiveness of a career in IT, and offered guidance on the selection of appropriate courses to study IT/Computing at college and university.
Sentinus offer an annual summer scheme placement for 6th form students who wish to pursue a career in IT, the uptake from our students for summer 2018 was high. We wish you luck with your applications!