Translink Youth Summit 2017 #TYS17

Translink Youth Summit 2017 #TYS17

On Saturday 18th November a group of pupils from Ulidia Integrated College attended the Translink Youth Summit accompanied by Mrs Patterson.


At the event, the group had the opportunity to give their opinions and ideas about the future of public transport in Northern Ireland. The pupils from Ulidia were tasked with discussing the future uses of technology throughout the transport network, and came up with some very exciting ideas. Two of the group; Ryan and Euan, had the opportunity to question the decision makers at Translink during a panel discussion.


The day was very enjoyable; with  a Boojum lunch and plenty of sweet treats throughout the day, not to mention lots of selfie opportunities with Pete Snodden who was presenting. Aaron won a month’s free travel throughout Northern Ireland in the prize draw and all pupils left laden with a very generous goodie bag.


Well done to you all!