Duke of Edinburgh: Silver Practice Expedition

Duke of Edinburgh: Silver Practice Expedition

Last Friday morning, a group of year 12 and 13 students left Ulidia Integrated College at 8am for their Duke of Edinburgh: Silver Exam Expedition. They travelled to the Mourne Mountains where they contoured around mountains and then climbed. This was made particularly difficult as not only did they have their rucksacks full of food and camping equipment but the heat was intense. Luckily there was a cool breeze at the top of the mountains.

They camped at Meelmore that Friday night cooking their dinners while basking in the sunshine. Friday had been physically intensive and Saturday was more about navigation through Tollymore Forest, back to wild camping at the bottom of Trassey Track. Three groups again completed this task and spent the night under the stars beside a river. On the Sunday morning they climbed Hare’s Gap collecting litter and noting erosion. They were stunned by the beauty of the view and stopped for a well-earned break at the top.

They returned home on Sunday afternoon tired, sore, successful and even invigorated. Over these three days the students improved their map reading and developed camp craft skills in preparation for their exam in the Antrim Hills at the end of June.