Year 12 Careers Convention

Year 12 Careers Convention

On Thursday 16th March our year 12 students joined the students from the other three schools in the Carrickfergus Learning Community to attend the Careers Convention in Carrick Leisure Centre, which is jointly organised by the four schools.

There were over 45 exhibitors this year, including the main Further Education providers in Northern Ireland, universities  and faculties  from our shores and further afield, major employers and service providers.

This annual convention is a major event for pupils in year 12 – questions are asked, curiosity is piqued, and conversations about our young people’s future take place.

This year’s convention was fantastic and on behalf of our students, we would like to thank all the exhibitors who took part and gave their time to our students. We also thank CABLE, our business community, and the Carrick Leisure Centre for hosting this major event.

Finally, a huge thank you to Grace and Tom who manned the Ulidia stall all day and were fantastic representatives for our school.