Taking a Stand Against Bullying -Together We Are Stronger!

Taking a Stand Against Bullying -Together We Are Stronger!

This week Ulidia are marking Anti-Bullying Week to support the work of the Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum.


Every year, Anti-Bullying Week is an important week in our school calendar where we raise awareness of the different types of bullying and explore the ways in which we can help others. This year, we are emphasising the importance of working together to ensure that any bullying behaviour is identified and dealt with as quickly as possible.


This year’s theme is ‘Together We Are Stronger’ and throughout the week, the Student Council are delivering assemblies to their year groups to ensure that everyone knows what bullying is and how they can help.  Blue Friday takes place this Friday 18th November and again it is a traditional part of Ulidia’s Anti-Bullying Week where pupils have a non-uniform day and wear blue to stand united against bullying.


At Ulidia, we don’t just emphasise the importance of not being unkind to others for one week, but we encourage all students to be actively and mindfully kind and respectful to others throughout the year. Next week we will focus on the 4Rs:


Respect for yourself

Respect for others

Respect for the school environment

Responsibility for your words and actions


These are values that we hold in very high regard and we promote and encourage all students to demonstrate these in their interactions with others and in the school at all times.


Keep an eye out next week to see the activities that students are involved in to help raise awareness of the 4Rs!