Past pupil promotes Integrated Education at an event in London hosted by the US Ambassador

Past pupil promotes Integrated Education at an event in London hosted by the US Ambassador

Ulidia past pupil, Christopher Madden, recently spoke at an event in London hosted by the US Ambassador to promote integrated education. 


Christopher focused on how integrated education is a proven way to produce results, noting the success of his alma mater: ‘The arguments in favour of integrated education used to revolve solely around the societal advantage, that educating together students in an atmosphere of inclusion and mutual respect would engender a more inclusive and mutually respectful population.  While there is no doubt that this argument is still as true as ever, a perhaps even stronger argument for it, is that it works – it produces results.  My own school, Ulidia Integrated College in Carrickfergus, has previously topped the league table for A-Level results in Northern Ireland, scoring above every other selective and non-selective school in the province. ‘


You can read the transcript or if you wish to listen to Christopher’s speech in full, please click on the link below:


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