A Sole Lot of Fun at Odd Socks Day

A Sole Lot of Fun at Odd Socks Day

The Integrated Education Fund launched a campaign called ‘Odd Socks Day’ to raise awareness of Integrated Education. Ulidia Integrated College toed the line and participated by asking students and staff to wear odd coloured socks and donate to the Integrated Education Fund.
It was a sole lot of fun and was easy to get involved. We all like to be well heeled and look our best every day but for one day we decided to sock it to ‘em and have some fun with our choice of hosiery.
We are raising money for the IEF, who work to promote integrated education in Northern Ireland. The IEF has been an avid supporter of Ulidia since day one.
Well done to all those who took part, had fun, and raised funds for Integrated Education.