20 Nov PTA-NI Needs Your Parents’ Council Voice!
Good afternoon everyone
This article comes with a huge request – our association is currently undertaking a member survey (that you might have seen a few weeks ago) but I am writing to you as a Parents’ Council asking you to please take the few minutes to fill it in. There are many reasons for this request including that I want to be able to have the evidence to portray the brilliant work of all PTAs and PCs, but also, I wish to be able to highlight the extra work that PCs do and how more involved inside the school gate you are.
Trevor Lunn MLA and as you know, strong advocate for Integrated Education has asked me to get the message out to all parents in NI about the role they can play in changing their school into an integrated school. Our Editorial team have agreed to do a feature on this in our next magazine (Spring edition), but I need your response through this survey to back this article up.
So PLEASE, first share this survey with other PC members, then complete it and submit. Share your story, tell them how fabulous you all are, talk about your involvement with school.
Here’s the link, I beg you, please use it as soon as possible http://dotmailer-surveys.com/1114x93a-53yhv30
Sincere thanks in advance
Jayne Thompson
Adviser, Northern Ireland